
[ONLINE] Political Theology According to Alexandre Kojève (Политическая теология по Александру Кожеву)

Пятница // Онлайн // c 19:00 до 21:00
Лекция «Political Theology According to Alexandre Kojève» («Политическая теология по Александру Кожеву»)
Лектор – Борис Гройс, один из ведущих искусствоведов современности, философ и публицист, профессор славистики в Нью-Йоркском университете

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Has the world already reached «the end of history» and gave rise to the so-called Universal State? According to Alexandre Kojève, it did, but there could be something missing.

Boris Groys will take a deeper look at these notions and try to prove that they may be a mere secularization of Vladimir Solovyov’s concept of the Universal Free Theocracy. An atheistic attitude does not always imply a complete rejection of the theological tradition — in many cases, it means politicization of theology. In his lecture, Groys will argue that this may actually be the case for Kojève’s strategy.

Внимание! Лекция будет прочитана на английском языке. Последующая дискуссия с ответами на вопросы состоится на русском языке.

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