To lecturers and speakers

Signum is interested in cooperation with experts and scientists in the field of humanities and philosophy and provides a platform for events for speakers who wish to speak who meet the requirements of the platform.

Who can become a lecturer?

Anyone with knowledge who wants to share it with other people can become a lecturer. We are happy to provide a platform for bachelors, undergraduates or postgraduates, regardless of their training profile, teachers or researchers in the field of humanities, sociology and linguistics.

Our values

Signum does not share the values of popular science knowledge. We oppose the excessive simplification of knowledge and want our platform to unite people who care about philosophy and humanities.

Requirements for the event

It is important for us to maintain a high culture of discussion and exchange of knowledge and ideas, for this we are selecting events that will be available on our platform.

Your event will not be selected if it is:
— organized for the purpose of political agitation;
— broadcasts personal religious or radical views;
— considers religion outside the context of theology, philosophy of religion or religious studies, and politics outside of political science;
— contains extremist materials prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
— incites hatred on a religious or national basis.
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